Help > TS+ Reference > TS+ Loop > LoopStart > LoopStart Source
LoopStart Source

To launch the Edit Loop Source dialog box, select Edit Loop Source in the context menu for the LoopStart step.

The Edit Loop Source dialog box contains the following options:


The Target source allows you to write the value of the internal Loop variable CurrentValue to a TestStand variable each time the step is executed.

·         Expression— Specifies the TestStand variable which will receive CurrentValue at each iteration.



The Index source allows you to use a TestStand variable instead of the internal Loop variable Index.

·         Mode—Specifies the TestStand variable selection:

-     Current stepStep.Index (Default value).

-     Other loop stepOtherLoopStepID.Index.

-     Any other stepAnyOtherStepID.Index.

-     Expression—Any TestStand variable which refers to a number.

Note  The step description will end by "slave" if Mode is different from Current step.

·         Step—Name of a step from current sequence Main group.

Note  The Step selector appears only in Other loop step or Any other step mode.

·         Expression—Specifies the TestStand variable used to evaluate the Loop Index.

Note  The content of Expression field can be modified only in Any other step or Expression mode.



The Values source allows you to use a TestStand variable instead of the internal Loop variable Values.

Note  External values are displayed in the Edit Loop Configuration dialog box, but they cannot be modified.

·         Mode—Specifies the TestStand variable selection:

-     Current stepStep.Index (Default value).

-     Other loop stepOtherLoopStepID.Index.

-     Any other step—Any OtherStepID.Index.

-     Expression—Any expression which refers to an array of numbers.

·         Step—Name of a step from current sequence Main group.

Note  The Step selector appears only in Other loop step or Any other step mode.

·         Expression—Specifies the TestStand variable used to evaluate Loop Values.

Note  The content of Expression field can be modified only in Any other step or Expression mode.


See Also

Loop Internal Variables

LoopStart Configuration