Help > TS+ Reference > TS+ Data > PlayData

The PlayData step is an alternative to the Loop structure to iterate on numeric or string values.

Each PlayData item is a channel, linked to a TestStand variable (Boolean, Number or String).

PlayData Edit substeps

Three substeps may be used to configure a PlayData step:

·         PlayData Configuration—Substep used for channels definition.

·         PlayData Values—Substep used for channels values input.

·         PlayData Source—Additional substep used for changing Index source and source Mode (Current Step or File).

PlayData step at execution

When executing a PlayData step, each channel value within current row is send to its TestStand variable.

If source Mode is File, data is read from source file at the first call of the PlayData step.

Note  Each TestStand variable associated to a PlayData channel will be updated only if the cell value is not empty.

Note  PlayData is a PASS/FAIL step. Status is FAIL if its Index is greater than the number of rows.

Using PlayData step in a sequence

There two ways to use a PlayData step :

·         Without TS+ Loop—In this case you have to add a Goto step with the PlayData step as destination and configure "On Fail" post action to jump to a step outside the virtual loop.

·         Included in a TS+ Loop—In this case you can use the Loop Index as PlayData Index source.


See Also

Data Internal Variables