Help > TS+ Reference > TS+ Display > PlotData > Window and Graph attributes
Window and Graph attributes

The appearance and the location of the PlotData window can be modified.


Graph appearance modification

When the graph window is displayed, right click on the graph to modify its attributes. 

The following graph properties will be saved into Step.GraphParams:

Graph general properties

·         FG_ColorGraph foreground color (hexadecimal number with the form RRGGBB).

·         BG_ColorGraph background color (hexadecimal number with the form RRGGBB).

·         ScrollVisX-axis scroll bar visible.

Graph X scale and Y scale

·         StyleScale Style (0-8) as shown on the shortcut menu from top-left to bottom-right.

·         FormatFormat: 0-Decimal, 1-Scientific, 2-Engineering, 3-Binary, 4-Octal, 5-Hexadecimal, 6-Relative Time, 7-Time and Date, 8-SI, and 9-Custom.

·         PrecisionNumber of digits after the decimal point.

·         MinimumMinimum value of scale.

·         MaximumMaximum value of scale.

·         MapModeScale mapping mode: 0-Linear, 1-Logarithmic..

·         ScaleFitFit scale to data: 0-Do not autoscale, 1-Autoscale once now, 2-Autoscale.

·         NameLblVisibleIndicates whether the axis label is visible.

·         NameLblTxtText string of axis label.

·         MajGrdColorColor of the major grid on the scale (hexadecimal number with the form RRGGBB).

·         MnrGrdColorColor of the minor grid on the scale (hexadecimal number with the form RRGGBB).

For each plot

·         Name—Name of the plot.

·         Color—Color of the plot (hexadecimal number with the form RRGGBB).

·         Interpolation—Interpolation of plot: 0-None, 1-Stepwise, 2-Linear, 3-Stepwise horizontal, 4-Stepwise horizontally centered, 5-Stepwise vertically centered.

·         PointStyle—Point Style (0-16) as shown on the shortcut menu from top-left to bottom-right.

·         LineStyle—LineStyle (0-4) as shown on the shortcut menu from top-left to bottom-right.

·         Fill_PointColor—Color of the point and fills (hexadecimal number with the form RRGGBB).

·         LineWidth—Width of the plot (0-5).

·         Visible—Shows the plot.


Window appearance and location modification

When closing the window the Confirmation dialog box appears.

Modifications detected

Graph attributes modification detected are listed.

Window options

·         Show WindowWindow activation option.

-     Manually—The window is updated in background. A ShowWindow step is needed to let the window appear. 

-     Automatically—The window appears first time executing the PlotData step.

·         Close WindowWindow activation option.

-     Manually—The window remains opened. A CloseWindow step is needed to let the window disappear. 

-     When execution is released—The window is closed when the execution is released (Report window is closed).

-     When execution is ened—The window is closed when the execution ends.

·         AutoTitleIf enabled, the window title will be determined by the linked step name.

·         TitleText of window title if AutoTitle is disabled.

Window additional properties

The window properties will be saved into Step.WindowParams:

·         Bounds—The four elements are the top, left, bottom, and right values of the interior portion of the front panel, not including the scroll bars, title bar, menu bar, and toolbar.