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Window and Spreadsheet attributes

The appearance and the location of the BrowseData window can be modified.

Spreadsheet appearance modification

When the spreadsheet window is displayed, select any cell on the third row and activate the Display Property Toolbox option.

A new dialog box Command and Options appears.

The following spreadsheet properties will be saved into Step.SheetParams:

For each column

·         ColumnWidth—Width of the column.

·         RowHeight—Height of each cell in the column.

·         HAlignment—Horizontal alignment.

·         NumberFormat—Format string.

·         FontName—Name of the font.

·         FontSize—Size of the font.

·         FontColor—Color of the font.

Tip  To get extended format option, browse step properties to SheetParams.Columns[N], where N is the 0-based index of the column to format, and manually edit the property NumberFormat. Excel format string are allowed here.

For instance, you can specify hh:mm:ss.000 to get a timestamp with hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds.


Window appearance and location modification

When closing the window the Confirmation dialog box appears.

Modifications detected

Graph attributes modification detected are listed.

Window options

·         Show WindowWindow activation option.

-     Manually—The window is updated in background. A ShowWindow step is needed to let the window appear. 

-     Automatically—The window appears first time executing the PlotData step.

·         Close WindowWindow activation option.

-     Manually—The window remains opened. A CloseWindow step is needed to let the window disappear. 

-     When execution is released—The window is closed when the execution is released (Report window is closed).

-     When execution is ened—The window is closed when the execution ends.

·         AutoTitle—If enabled, the window title will be determined by the linked step name.

·         Title—Text of window title if AutoTitle is disabled.

Window additional properties

The window properties will be saved into Step.WindowParams:

·         Bounds—The four elements are the top, left, bottom, and right values of the interior portion of the front panel, not including the scroll bars, title bar, menu bar, and toolbar.