Help > DAQmx Steps Reference > Step Configuration and Settings > Mode Option
Mode Option

The Mode Option included in all DAQmx Steps allows selecting if the DAQmx Global Channel is used as a Bench or as UUT IO.

A bench IO is driven directly by the step.

An IO configured as UUT, is redirecting to the IO configured for the current test socket. This option is only available with a Professional Edition of DAQmx Steps.

In this case, you don’t have to manage, during edition of your test sequence, which line is connected to current Test Socket when you are using process models with different test sockets.

To configure IO to be used as UUT channels, please read the following chapter: Configure IO for DAQmx Steps.

NoteĀ  The Mode option is enabled according to your Edition (see DAQmx Steps Licensing Options)


See Also

Configuration Dialog Box

Configure IO for DAQmx Steps